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MediaoneTV UAE

October 18, 2019

A Chat with MediaoneTV UAE

Karen_Visit Two

September 26, 2019

And she came by again - just checking...

Start of the 100 Day Countdown To The End

September 24, 2019

​Day 901 - With Ritu and Nisha on NTV UAE

The 31st Global Women's Empowerment Summit 2019

May 27, 2019

It was a pleasant surprise when I received a call about this award and also got asked to write a song over the Iftar surrounded by beautiful women just before receiving the award...

With VIP Witness Montini Vaz

August 23, 2019

Day 869 - Honored to have renowned musician Montini Vaz as guest on the challenge.

Interview with LaChelle Adkins

August 13, 2019

Day 859 - Was a great experience sharing with thought leader and super mom LaChelle Adkins from Georgia, USA, the importance of "time" learnt from the on the challenge.

Coffee with Sapna Anu B George

August 13, 2019

Day 859 - Sapna and I hail from Kerala, India. An accomplished writer, Sapna had quite a different take on what the challenge and I were all about. Loved coffee, the kindred spirit and a warm chat...

With VIP Witness Fr. Michael Cardoz

June 14, 2019

Was an honour to have Fr. Michael Cardoz as VIP Witness on Day 800, also the completion of the challenge 100 Songs In 100 Days In The Anointing.

Karen_Visit One

May 15, 2019

She came and it never sounded the same thereafter :-). Thank you Karen!

The Night Shift with Mark Lloyd on Dubai Eye

April 08, 2019

A chat with Mark Lloyd on The Night Shift on Dubai Eye with Abbo of Open Mic.

Two Years Milestone

April 07, 2019

Syriac Malikayil Kurian, a sound engineer and tabla player based in the US, has been a great well-wisher on the challenge from the very start. It was absolutely wonderful having him present as VIP witness and guest along with his daughter Asha on the milestone of completing two years on the challenge. 

With Isha Farha Quraishy at NTV

March 13, 2019

Day 706 - Sharing random thoughts with Isha Farha Quraishy on the challenges in the challenge.

Launching 100 Songs In 100 Days In The Anointing

March 07, 2019

It was an honour having my good friend Abey Kalisseril as the guest and VIP witness on Day 700 which also marked the launch of the challenge 100 Songs In 100 Days In The Anointing. This along with the song on 1000 Songs In 1000 Days and A Children's Song A Day made it three songs a day for 100 days.

Record Application Accepted by The Golden Book of World Records

January 29, 2019

Alleluia! With this acceptance, the challenge(s) once again have credibility.

The following record attempts have been accepted by the Golden Book of World Records that have clearly understood the output and methodology associated with this challenge and were able to establish a standard for what is called a song, and song production.

  •Quotidian feat of composing, producing and publishing song "live" incessantly for 1000 days (April 08, 2017 - January 02, 2020) 

  •Quotidian feat of composing, producing and publishing multiple songs incessantly for 100 days (March 08, 2019 - June 15, 2019)   

  •Most songs composed, produced and published by an individual in one day (January 01, 2020)

  •Quotidian feat of composing, producing and publishing children's song incessantly for 1000 days [they do not consider the children's song as a regular song, but certainly call it children's song] (April 08, 2017 - January 02, 2020)

One Year To Finish

January 01, 2019

I keep getting asked from time to time for details on the challenge I'm pursuing (8th April, 2017 to 2nd January, 2020). Here it is in a nutshell:-

2 Songs A Day for 1000 Days, with the second song being for children (Day 1-1000)

Daily Live Composition on:-

Daily Upload of Posts on:- (only the main song and not the children’s song)

3 Songs A Day for 100 Days (Day 700-799)

Daily Live Composition (of additional third song) on:-…/

Daily Upload of Post (of additional third song) on:-

7 Songs A Day for 40 Days (Day 950-989)

Daily Live Composition (of additional five songs) on:-…/

Daily Upload of Posts (of additional five songs) on:-

21 Songs In One Day (Day 999 - 1st January, 2020)

Daily Live Composition (of additional nineteen songs) on:-…/

Daily Upload of Posts (of additional nineteen songs) on:-

Day 632

December 29, 2018

The association with Geeve Mathew started in 1997 with his choir rendering the backing for a few songs on the album "Anoint Me", the songs in which I worked on the music and much of the singing. Presently faculty in Music at GEMS Cambridge International School, Dubai, it was an honour having Geeve as the VIP witness with his wife Ann and son Anand on the challenge.

Day 617

December 14, 2018

It was an honour having Mr. Yousef Alghreeb, a dear well-wisher of the challenge, as the VIP Witness today. He read about it much before I started and got in touch to enquire about what it was all about. A man of poetry himself, the theme suggested by him was of our common humanity uniting us despite our many differences.

Day 500

August 19, 2018

With VIP Witness on Day 500, Mr. Yasser AlGargawi, Director of Cultural Events, Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development, Government of Dubai, now in the Ministry of Tolerance. The song for the day "This Blessed Land" was written based on his theme suggestion.

Reply from Kensington Palace

July 10, 2018

I heard back from Kensington Palace 🙌 on sending them the gift of a song written on the occasion of The Royal Wedding! Thank you Ammachen (Dr. M. S. Alexander) for the song theme suggestion.

Crossing 400 Days

May 11, 2018

Was such an honour having my daughter Amy Weaver and my son-in-law Bryan Weaver as my VIP Witnesses on this milestone Day 400/1000 at Penn Yan, NY. Here's a little chat we had on the challenge and random stuff... Indeed, I was recovering from Influenza A!

Crossing 1 Year

April 06, 2018

She's invariably the first to say hi when I get on Facebook Live everyday to compose both the songs. I don't fully know what this challenge is accomplishing, but it certainly is a fulfilling experience. However, I do not understand what anybody gains by just being with me, especially someone I did not know until this started. I see Savita D'Souza as the angel on the challenge and the gift of her watch over this means more than I can ever express. Thank you Savita! 

I See Light - Day 297/1000

January 28, 2018

A very special day having my parents and their music teacher Mr. Benny Cherian (Director of Cods Academy) as my VIP witnesses.

Day 297/1000

January 28, 2018

All that I am, I owe to God, my parents, my mentor, my children and my friends...

Interview by Adrian Abraham - Day 204/1000

October 27, 2017

While we urge our children towards their dreams, our children should know that we also have our own. (Thank you dear Adu for your very special part in my journey. While you continue to champion me, I wish you all that you wish to be. - Love, Amma)

Strangers In The Desert - Day 126/1000

August 11, 2017

It was such a privilege having the very talented Mario-Georges El Hoyek as my VIP Witness on the 126th day of 1000 Songs in 1000 Days. I wrote the song "Cold" based on his suggestion.

Mario-Georges El Hoyek is Franco-Lebanese. He has shown signs of perfect pitch since he was 5, and then was guided to join the Lebanese conservatory, from which he obtained his diploma of higher education in classical piano studies, analysis, and music theory. Mario also studied Electrical and computer Engineering at the American University of Beirut and is currently working in the consulting field. Mario has played many concerts worldwide as a solo pianist, entered 4 piano competitions and won them all, and taught piano, solfeggio, and music theory for 8 years. Mario is also a singer. He worked as a musical director and performer for many years, and travelled the world singing as a tenor with the NDU choir, in many big classical productions. His favourite genres to sing include jazz, oriental, and fusion music.

After the songs for the day on the challenge, Mario and I co-wrote and sang the song "Strangers In The Desert".

On Crossing 100 Days

July 16, 2017

On crossing 100 out of 1000 days on the challenge, which originated conceptually as 1000 Songs In 1000 Days but in effect was 2000 Songs In 1000 Days from the very start, encompassing both 1000 Songs In 1000 Days and A Children’s Song A Day (composing both music and lyrics for two songs a day, followed by producing and publishing both songs on the same day, all of which is done by yours truly, Swapna Abraham, with the objective of doing something most challenging and fulfilling as an individual and singer-songwriter).

Introduction and Bibliography

The challenge started on 8th April, 2017 and is aimed to be completed on 1st January, 2020; but will be continued for another 22 days to maintain exclusivity to the author of the challenge for 1000 days.

The definition of “day” in the challenge is a day from 00:00 hours to 24:00 hours in Dubai, UAE (as per Gulf Standard Time), where the challenge is based by and large. Portability will involve pegging the challenge to the same time zone.

The work is done afresh each day with absolutely no pre-work on either song.

The composition of the song on 1000 Songs In 1000 Days is recorded live on Facebook Live - The song on A Children’s Song A Day is done immediately before or after the same, and its composition has been recorded live only from Day 209/1000 -

The genesis, scope, methodology and result of the challenge in its entirety are well-listed on the following platforms:-

To Subscribe on You Tube

1000 Songs In 1000 Days -

A Children’s Song A Day -

To Subscribe on Sound Cloud

1000 Songs In 1000 Days -


What crossing 100/1000 meant to me…

The eternal optimist – One tenth over

The factual pragmatist – Nine tenth remains

The Planet Saved - Day 56/1000

June 01, 2017

VIP Witness - Peter Middlebrook

While I surprised Mr. Middlebrook asking for a song suggestion on the spot, he seemed prepared for it and came up with the idea of humanity having saved the planet from annihilation caused by climate change.

Every Day Counts

May 21, 2017

Now I know that every day certainly counts. Everyday. Today is the 16696th day of my life. Today is the 45th day of what started conceptually as the challenge of 1000 Songs In 1000 Days but in reality was and is 2000 Songs In 1000 Days (to compose, produce and publish two songs a day for 1000 days, the second song being for children). The reason for the change will be revealed if and when it can be made known, and at this point only needs mentioning.

What I would like to write about at this milestone is the journey of the last 45 days that I did not journal past the first day and the day before. How overbearing the challenge was at the outset, but also how the state of being overwhelmed with the task on hand became a way of life soon adapted to, and how the idiosyncrasies of life hit me from every side harder than ever before. Even this at this point only needs mentioning.

The focus is on the bigger goal, literally broken up into daily goals. And on a daily basis, come what may, this needed to be accomplished. Here are some of the things that rattled me in the execution.

  1. Traffic jam getting me late to the studio

  2. The studio door not opening one day

  3. The exit gate key getting shorted and my being without parking access for a week

  4. Ensuring the backdrop was intact

  5. Too many things to be remembered on a daily basis - forgetting/ missing anything became critical (remembering to pray, wear my wrist band, take all devices, charge all devices, switch on lights for the videos, etc.)

  6. The queasiness in composing (something that’s a fairly private activity) when you know you are being watched

  7. Facebook live buffering, the video flip not working; internet issues...

  8. My going blank on a theme/ not feeling the music or lyrics once Facebook Live was on and I was expected to start

  9. When either song took longer than what I thought was optimal (it was taking me close to four hours the first few days, this was expedited to a little over two hours)

  10. ProTools software hanging, computer overload issues and random tech issues (and I'm not a techie)

  11. A troublesome cable causing too much noise and disturbance

  12. Typing out the lyrics before the uploads, ensuring the day/ date, song name, chords progression and song style information were well-noted

  13. SoundCloud taking time to upload

  14. YouTube taking ages to upload, thus the evidence videos were no longer made in high resolution, but were just standard resolution

  15. The uploads and updates taking about 45 minutes, this was followed by informing the team so that they could do the Facebook posts

  16. The updates on both websites and

  17. Sorting the files and making multiple back up

Without a doubt, there were days when I regretted taking this up. There were days when I thought I didn’t need to do this and wondered what it was accomplishing. But here I am on Day #45. And indeed, I’m going to be at it, I’m going to keep at it.

Counting down_1000 Songs In 1000 Days - Day 1/1000

April 07, 2017

Here I am... We don't always know what drives us to do the many things we do, some great, some quite not. I've done some of both. Today I am on the threshold of one of those great feats. Only God knows the outcome and what this journey holds. I'm grateful to Him both for the responsibility and empowerment placed on me. Grateful to my parents, my children and best friend that loved and sustained me; my grandfather, my mentor, Sir, my dear friend who got me writing songs, George Michael, Amy Grant and all the singers and songwriters that inspired and taught me - I will not have reached here if not for you. To my enemies - I will not have reached here if not for you. My sister, friends, family and kind souls that have blessed, prayed for, helped and wished me well; the firm I work for, HSI Events, the World Record Academy - thank you. I hope that I will do you proud.


Here I am... I never imagined I would try to do something like this. I still do not fully understand why I'm doing it. Whether it is Godspiration, selfish ambition, an unfulfilled professional appetite, or a great escape from reality. But here I am. I am so reminded of a time when I was seventeen, and quite the popular orator. My father accompanied me with untold pride to the august event where I was one of the main speakers, quite the dart. In regular fashion I stormed the introduction. A minute in and I had a blackout of sorts. I couldn't say another word. Very graciously, I left the podium, the dias and the glorious hall once the session was adjourned. It was hard to say much to the people that enquired if I was alright. I didn't know. My father and I walked home. I was quiet for most of the time and he tried to make conversation, almost brimming on what just happened. I still couldn't say much. All I knew was that I would never be able to undo the shame that struck his sublime heart. I know today that when our children fail, we fail more.

Here I am. This is more than a new world record attempt. It's not the biggest feat. There have been far greater and bigger achievements in the same trade and I'm in absolute awe of those that walked and are still walking the long mile. Yet for whatever reason, I will still have done this even if there were no other logos that I can now so gladly present with my aspiration. It's a personal, very personal challenge. I've set the bar high in terms of the ideal and execution (I'm so sure that what I'm doing has not been done as I'm doing it); almost as if I am guaranteed to fail (laughs). But perhaps something greater is happening, I don't need to know. I'm just the dart released anew. Let's do this...

VIP Witness - Ebin George

On the eve of the challenge

April 06, 2017

Trying to find level ground... The last few days saw some big highs and severe lows.

Highs - The phenomenal interviews with Radio Mirchi and Dubai Eye, the brilliant coverage by GulfNews Xpress, Aswamedham, GoDubai, Dubai Week and Laxmi Advani (I couldn't ask for more). The anticipation and response has been truly overwhelming!

Mids - Had a fairly successful test run although I need to learn so much more on using the recording software. Consolation - will learn as I go. I still have something so much better than what it was a month ago.

Then... The decision to step up the challenge - Raising the bar was a huge impetus, but the drive and the price...

Lows - I lost one of my very close friends who was the reason for which I started writing songs. And I haven't cried as yet. Ironic, considering the first song I ever wrote was "I'm Crying".

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Day 459
Day 100
Day 1
Day 45


Day 985
Day 780
Day 732
Day 364
Day 400
Day 500

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